Healing Where You Hurt…on the Inside Workbook
It is an indispensable companion healing piece to the book, designed for both individual use and/or small group study.
It is an indispensable companion healing piece to the book, designed for both individual use and/or small group study. It is not basically a reflective study, but rather uses simple questions and answers to teach healing principles. It is difficult, initially, to reflect and discern in areas of deep woundedness, limiting our ability to see self-destructive life patterns or to recognize real truth where we have believed twisted lies. The workbook helps to accelerate the process of changing our self-esteem perception and establish protective boundaries.
It discusses such subjects as:
- Why do we react in certain situations and seem incapable of appropriately responding?
- Why does anger sometimes explode within us over what seems to be a small matter?
- Hurt and harm are 2 separate matters. The difference relates to long term effect. Hurt gets our attention, while harm diminishes us.
- Wounded people are usually better givers than receivers, both with others and God.
- Confession and forgiveness are like Siamese twins – inseparable in areas of deep woundedness.
- How to move from a victim mentality to having victory.